Tuesday, August 16, 2005

recommendations 3 - zb, jg, and tv

garden state

gorgeously shot film. zach braff is so talented i want to buy him dinner, let him tell me all about his life, make me laugh, and then make out for a couple of hours. in addition to being a joy to look at (oops, the movie now, not the boy), there are scenes of such quiet meaningfulness in this movie that just resonate so well with me. it's like the graduate: lite, it's got the same sense of, where do we as young people fit in to this world, and with each other? what grounds us?

jean grey

red hair. tall, gorgeous. telekinetic. mildly telepathic, but in a way that's cooler than deanna troi. attracts the good boys (scott, ugh, sooo boring) and the bad ones (hell-o logan). not as much baggage as rogue (until the phoenix/cloning stuff).

on a related note, i gotta recommend gambit, too. hot accent. wildly mysterious. badass power, nice choice with the playing cards. and supersexy relationship with rogue.

television without pity

i know it's the off season for tv, but i freaking love this site, and you should too. the genius writers at twop obsess about tv pretty much as much as i do, only then they'll take an episode, recap it, and inject enough snark to make your mouth pucker. the very first time i read an episode recap, i loved that i had mentally made a bunch of the same criticisms that they harped on. some of the writers are funnier than others, and some shows just lend themselves better to being made fun of (the oc, alias, most reality tv...24's isn't as good, for example).

side notes: the recaps are by episode, and it's much better if you've just seen the episode you're reading about. the pull-out quotes are for some reason much more hilarious than the same words are in context! and finally, it's awesome when the writer thinks the show they are recapping is good tv; they're hard on it, but they acknowledge all the elements done well, too. check it out.

1 comment:

jaggd said...

Good post.

I fully agree on first two, except that I don't really want to make out with ZB, but I would still buy him dinner, and maybe even invite him back to my place so long as things remained strictly platonic.

Jean Grey is a hottie, though I don't understand how anyone could ever date her. I mean, she can read minds, so that gives her all kinds of unfair advantages in the relationship. Obviously, it would be cool in the sense that she might go buy you a milkshake 'cause she knew you were craving one, but then she would also know that you think her ass is too fat... and you do not want to be on her bad side.

I don't watch much TV 'cause my rabbit ear reception is terrible, but I respect people who are smart enough to take pop culture with a grain of salt. How can you not be cynical about the stuff they show... Califooorniaaaaa, here we come!